
Annual General Meeting 2018, some Updates
By Lorenz Trippel | News | 05.08.2018 20:52| Views: 6124
It was shorter than usual as the venue closed precisely at 24:00. Many commissions are looking to add more members, feel free to contact the EGF board if you want to help in one of these areas: Auditor of the EGF accounts, Appeals Commission, and Tournaments & Rules Commission.

Here some of the important points of the EGF annual general meeting:
  • Catalin Taranu 5 dan pro will join the EGF executive.
  • The 2020 congress will be in Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine (it's not 100% certain yet as the playing venue must still be confirmed)
  • There will be more face to face games in the pandanet go european championship PGETC (more details will be published before the start of the next season)
  • Online rating for the PGETC got scrapped but other national online tournaments can still be entered in the european go database (EGD)
You can find the 2018 minutes online here.

Catalin Taranu from Romania joins the EGF board
Annual General Meeting 2018, some Updates
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