EGF Annual General Meeting 2003
Meeting will take place 26th July 2003 in Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Opening of the meeting, Verifying presence and voting rights
- Accepting the agenda
- Acceptance of previous year's minutes
- Admission of new member nations Russia recommends Azerbijan,
Latvia and Estonia; Serbia & Montenegro
- Reports of the President,
Secretary, Treasurer, Financial
statement by Ing Treasurer
- Report of the Auditors
- Reports of chairmen of existing Commissions: Constitution
- Election of officers and auditors (proposing and seconding countries listed)
Tony Atkins, Armenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Russia
Vice presidents:
- Marc Gonzales Carnicer, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland,
- Martin Stiassny, Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Norway?
- Oleg Gavrilov, Armenia, Italy, Finland, Russia
- (Valentin Urziceanu , Russia)
- Matti Siivola, Armenia, Finland, Italy, Russia, Sweden
- Hans Kostka, Sweden, Finland.Russia
- Frederik Renaud, France
- Peter Zanfeld
- Constitution Change Proposal (as circulated end of January)
- Accepting the budget 2003-2004
- Creation of any new Commissions or changing old ones
- Siting of future Congresses
- 2004 Poland, Tuchola
- 2005 Czech Republic
- 2006 Italy
- 2007 France, Sweden, Belgium, Austria
- 2008-2009
- Rules for European Pair Go and World Qualifying
- European Masters and European Cup
- European Tournament Calendar
includes dates for ToyotaPandanet, Toyota-Denso, Ing, Pair, Ladies, Youth etc. -tournaments
- Representation outside Europe
Pair Go World Championship, World Championship, IGF directors
- Items requested by member Federations (Sweden, Italy, Russia)
Only items that have not been separately handled will be handled here
- Any other business