Annual General Meeting 2005 of the European Go Federation
Meeting will take place 29th July 2005 in Prague, Czechia
- Opening of the meeting, verifying presence and voting rights
- Accepting the agenda
- Acceptance of previous year's AGM minutes
- Admission of new members: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus
- Reports of the President, Secretary, Treasurer
- Report of the Auditors
- Report from IGF Directors
- Reports of chairmen of existing Commissions: Rules
- Election of Executive officers and auditors
a. The present committee stands for re-election, there are no other candidates
- President: Tony Atkins
- Vice-presidents: Martin Stiassny, Oleg Gavrilov
- Secretary: Jan van Rongen
- Treasurer: Hans Kostka
- Officers: Ales Cieply, Matti Siivola
b. Auditors:
- Didier Kropp, Peter Zandveld
c. Re-appointment of IGF Directors
- Accepting the budget 2005-2006 and 2006-2007
- Appointment of Commissions (for rules committee see appendix F)
- European Go Congresses
- a. Comments on 2005 Prague
- b. Progress report on 2006 Italy
- c. Progress report on 2007 Austria
- d. Progress report on 2008 Sweden
- e. Nominations for 2009: Netherlands, Serbia, Belgium (see appendix D)
- European Tournament Calendar
a. Selection of hosts
- EYGC 2006 Serbia; 2007: Netherlands, Russia
- Student Games: Finland 2005
- Pairs 2006: Germany, France, Finland (the three tied in voting last year,
other candidates not allowed); 2007 (none)
- Ing Memorial 2007: EGCC
- Women's 2006: none; 2007: Russia
- Teams 2006 and 2007
b. Rules Proposals
- i. New Toyota � IGS-PandaNet European Go Tour format (see Appendix E)
- ii. Ing Cup - amended rule on late reserves: "Within one week of the start of the event the
organisers may select reserves of appropriate strength from their own or nearby countries, in any way, as necessary."
- iii. European Cup � "All events are accepted into the Cup by agreement by Executive" (and not by the AGM).
- iv. European Cup � "Cup ranking prizes are only open to European nationals and to players resident in
Europe for 5 years before the start of that Cup year."
- v. European Cup/Toyota Tour � Clarification that the rule is
"Only players who compete in every round of an event will be eligible for points for that event."
- vi. EYGC � Proposal from Russia to consider the following obligatory:
participants of the EYGC must have European citizenship (passport);
there should be no less than 6 rounds, no more than 2 rounds a day;
basic time-control is 60 minutes.
- Selection of Team Captains for World Pair Go and World Amateur Go Championships
- Items Requested by Member Federations and Executive (in order they were received)
- a. Germany proposes to change the categorization for tournaments that the European
Go Rating list is on (see appendix A)
- b. Finnish proposal for a European Student Championship in 2005
and related proposal for support on travel costs to that championship (see appendix B)
- c. Swedish proposals (see appendix C)
- d. Germany: ideas for an internet based team-championship of European countries in leagues
- Any other business