Annual General Meeting 2005 of the European Go Federation

Meeting will take place 29th July 2005 in Prague, Czechia


  1. Opening of the meeting, verifying presence and voting rights
  2. Accepting the agenda
  3. Acceptance of previous year's AGM minutes
  4. Admission of new members: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus
  5. Reports of the President, Secretary, Treasurer
  6. Report of the Auditors
  7. Report from IGF Directors
  8. Reports of chairmen of existing Commissions: Rules
  9. Election of Executive officers and auditors
    a. The present committee stands for re-election, there are no other candidates
    • President: Tony Atkins
    • Vice-presidents: Martin Stiassny, Oleg Gavrilov
    • Secretary: Jan van Rongen
    • Treasurer: Hans Kostka
    • Officers: Ales Cieply, Matti Siivola
    b. Auditors:
    • Didier Kropp, Peter Zandveld
    c. Re-appointment of IGF Directors
  10. Accepting the budget 2005-2006 and 2006-2007
  11. Appointment of Commissions (for rules committee see appendix F)
  12. European Go Congresses
    • a. Comments on 2005 Prague
    • b. Progress report on 2006 Italy
    • c. Progress report on 2007 Austria
    • d. Progress report on 2008 Sweden
    • e. Nominations for 2009: Netherlands, Serbia, Belgium (see appendix D)
  13. European Tournament Calendar
    a. Selection of hosts
    • EYGC 2006 Serbia; 2007: Netherlands, Russia
    • Student Games: Finland 2005
    • Pairs 2006: Germany, France, Finland (the three tied in voting last year, other candidates not allowed); 2007 (none)
    • Ing Memorial 2007: EGCC
    • Women's 2006: none; 2007: Russia
    • Teams 2006 and 2007
    b. Rules Proposals
    • i. New Toyota � IGS-PandaNet European Go Tour format (see Appendix E)
    • ii. Ing Cup - amended rule on late reserves: "Within one week of the start of the event the organisers may select reserves of appropriate strength from their own or nearby countries, in any way, as necessary."
    • iii. European Cup � "All events are accepted into the Cup by agreement by Executive" (and not by the AGM).
    • iv. European Cup � "Cup ranking prizes are only open to European nationals and to players resident in Europe for 5 years before the start of that Cup year."
    • v. European Cup/Toyota Tour � Clarification that the rule is "Only players who compete in every round of an event will be eligible for points for that event."
    • vi. EYGC � Proposal from Russia to consider the following obligatory: participants of the EYGC must have European citizenship (passport); there should be no less than 6 rounds, no more than 2 rounds a day; basic time-control is 60 minutes.
  14. Selection of Team Captains for World Pair Go and World Amateur Go Championships
  15. Items Requested by Member Federations and Executive (in order they were received)
    • a. Germany proposes to change the categorization for tournaments that the European Go Rating list is on (see appendix A)
    • b. Finnish proposal for a European Student Championship in 2005 and related proposal for support on travel costs to that championship (see appendix B)
    • c. Swedish proposals (see appendix C)
    • d. Germany: ideas for an internet based team-championship of European countries in leagues
  16. Any other business