Annual General Meeting 2008 of the
European Go Federation
Meeting will take place at 19:15 on 1st August 2008 in Leksand, Sweden
- Opening of the meeting
- Verifying presence and voting rights
- Accepting the agenda
- International Matters:
- a. Report from IGF Directors
- b. Presentation from Mrs. Taki on proposed World Pair Go Association
- c. World Mind Sports Games
- d. Korean events
- Acceptance of previous year's AGM minutes
- Admission of new members (none) and updates from candidates
- Reports of the President, Secretary, Treasurer
- Report of the Auditors
- Reports of chairmen of existing Commissions
- Election of Executive officers and auditors
a. The present committee stands for re-election
- President: Tony Atkins (DE, SE, RU)
- Vice-Presidents: Martin Stiassny (DE, SE, RU), Oleg Gavrilov (DE, SE, RU)
- Secretary: John Gibson (DE, SE, RU)
- Treasurer: Hans Kostka (DE, SE, RU)
- Officers: Ales Cieply (DE, SE, RU), Matti Siivola (DE, SE, RU)
b. Auditors:
- Arnaud Knippel (DE, RU), Peter Zandveld (DE, RU)
- Presentation for Comment of Budgets 2008-2009 and 2009-2010
- Appointment of Commissions
- European Go Congresses
- a. Comments on 2008 Leksand, Sweden
- b. Progress report on 2009 Groningen, Netherlands
- c. Progress report on 2010: Finland
- d. Progress report on 2011: France
- e. Selection of hosts for 2012: Germany has expressed interest
- f. Expressions of interest in later years: Luxemburg , Romania , Czechia and Poland for 2013,
Russia for 2014, Cyprus for 2015
- European Tournament Calendar - Selection of hosts
- a. Youth Championship 2010
- b. Student Championship 2010: Netherlands or Germany Darmstadt
- c. Pair Go 2010
- d. Ing Memorial 2010: France
- e. Women's Championship 2010: France, Aix-les-Bains November
- f. Team Championship 2010
- Rules Proposals
- a. Definition of European Player
- b. Formalise and record the rules of the Championships
- c. From The Finnish Go Association: Proposal to adopt new EGC Rules
- Any other business