Annual General Meeting 2008 of the
European Go Federation

Meeting will take place at 19:15 on 1st August 2008 in Leksand, Sweden


  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Verifying presence and voting rights
  3. Accepting the agenda
  4. International Matters:
    • a. Report from IGF Directors
    • b. Presentation from Mrs. Taki on proposed World Pair Go Association
    • c. World Mind Sports Games
    • d. Korean events
  5. Acceptance of previous year's AGM minutes
  6. Admission of new members (none) and updates from candidates
  7. Reports of the President, Secretary, Treasurer
  8. Report of the Auditors
  9. Reports of chairmen of existing Commissions
  10. Election of Executive officers and auditors
    a. The present committee stands for re-election
    • President: Tony Atkins (DE, SE, RU)
    • Vice-Presidents: Martin Stiassny (DE, SE, RU), Oleg Gavrilov (DE, SE, RU)
    • Secretary: John Gibson (DE, SE, RU)
    • Treasurer: Hans Kostka (DE, SE, RU)
    • Officers: Ales Cieply (DE, SE, RU), Matti Siivola (DE, SE, RU)
    b. Auditors:
    • Arnaud Knippel (DE, RU), Peter Zandveld (DE, RU)
  11. Presentation for Comment of Budgets 2008-2009 and 2009-2010
  12. Appointment of Commissions
  13. European Go Congresses
    • a. Comments on 2008 Leksand, Sweden
    • b. Progress report on 2009 Groningen, Netherlands
    • c. Progress report on 2010: Finland
    • d. Progress report on 2011: France
    • e. Selection of hosts for 2012: Germany has expressed interest
    • f. Expressions of interest in later years: Luxemburg , Romania , Czechia and Poland for 2013, Russia for 2014, Cyprus for 2015
  14. European Tournament Calendar - Selection of hosts
    • a. Youth Championship 2010
    • b. Student Championship 2010: Netherlands or Germany Darmstadt
    • c. Pair Go 2010
    • d. Ing Memorial 2010: France
    • e. Women's Championship 2010: France, Aix-les-Bains November
    • f. Team Championship 2010
  15. Rules Proposals
    • a. Definition of European Player
    • b. Formalise and record the rules of the Championships
    • c. From The Finnish Go Association: Proposal to adopt new EGC Rules
  16. Any other business