
Selection of European players for the World Youth Go Championship 2024
By Nicholas Roussos | News | 07.04.2024 6:49| Views: 9433 | Comments: 7
A committee of three professional players analyzed the data after EYGC2024 and produced
the following selection for U18 and U12 categories. More details are available here.

  1. Xing Yuze 5 dan (DE) , current European Champion
  2. Olesia Malko 3 dan (UA)
  3. Vsevolod Ovsiienko 5 dan (UA)
  1. Bartik Dach (CZ),
  2. Bende Barcza (HU) 
  3. Ryan Zhang (UK)
All six players selected have confirmed availability. The next steps are:

A two weeks window time offered to the community to react in case there are any complaints/issues with the current selection. This is important especially considering the recent big changes but also difficulties caused by communication channels not working as intended.
Contact mail: [email protected]

After two weeks the EGF board will have maximum one week to handle the
eventual inquiries.

2nd April 2024
Catalin Taranu 5p, EGF board member in charge with youth activities
Lukáš Podpěra
07.04.2024 17:12
The new unfair rules of selecting the youth representatives are not really the EGF's fault. However, 'communication channels are not working as intended', due to the incompetence and rude behavior of the 'EGF board member in charge with youth activities'.
Roland Illig
07.04.2024 22:34
What exactly are the 'recent big changes'? They are too unspecific to make any sense.
Valentin Munteanu
08.04.2024 4:36
@ Lukáš Podpěra
With respect for the level and beauty with which you practice the game, and last but not least, with thanks for the teachings passed on to my son Vladimir on the occasion of EYGC2024, allow me to signal to you that:
"During the team leaders meeting in Singapore the representative of the WYGC sponsor, the Ing Chang Ki Foundation, came up with a request for a fundamental change in the approach towards WYGC.
This was motivated by a sense of long term mission failure . Mr. Ing’s dream was that one day a player from the Western hemisphere could become world champion. After more than 30 years of WYGC this dream doesn’t seem to come any closer to becoming a reality ."

With apologies for the rigor, it is quite inappropriate to talk about incompetence when the selection was made by 3 professional players and 'EGF board member in charge with youth activities', Catalin Taranu 5p played in professional leagues where Nidan level amateur it is at hand until 12 years old.

Best wishes, Valentin Munteanu
Valentin Munteanu
08.04.2024 5:00
@ Roland Illig
I think that the "Godan up to U18" standard to play at WYGC is really a big change, in relation to the total number of Godan players in Europe and in relation to the "non-tourist" claims when a young person participates in the WYGC.

I think it is also a form of showing respect on the part of the EGF towards the communities in which the study of the game of Go is regarded with full respect.

Best wishes, Valentin Munteanu
Valentin Munteanu
08.04.2024 7:43
January 28, 2024

"Yes, as you have rightly noticed, the categories have changed for this year, but it is not so much a change as a return to the historical distribution. In the U18 category, our current Czech top has fought for the top positions in the past. Its resumption is in line with the change at the European and World Championships, where the organizers decided on new rules for qualifications. To qualify for the World Championship in the U18 category, it is now necessary to have a 5d title (3d in the case of girls) and if it is not possible to qualify such strong players from Europe, they will forfeit instead of qualifying for the U12 category, where there are no such strict rules. On the other hand, if a player who is not 5d wins the European Junior Championship, this class will be automatically awarded to him and the rating will be reset... The U20 category was completely cancelled due to the fact that the event for which it qualified (Globis Cup in Japan) lost its sponsors and ceased to exist. For this year's European Championships, the U21 category has been created, but it is not an official championship and only an accompanying tournament from which juniors can qualify as wild cards for the European Championship 2024 in France."
Valentin Munteanu
08.04.2024 8:00
Sorry for referring to another article. The article I quoted from is

I think a public apology is necessary!
Francesco Potortì (FIGG)
09.04.2024 13:48
FIGG (IT) proposes that, in line with the WYGC criteria, EGF selection for the senior category is done among U21 rather than U18, potentially increasing both country diversity and European player strength.
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