Finals, finishing just before the opening of the 66th European Go Congress.
It will be a five rounds tournament for players aged 18 or younger. Players born in 2006 and later shall play as U18, and players born in 2012 and later shall play as U12. The tournament begins as a regular Open tournament (both U12 and U18 players playing in the same tournament) with Knock-Out phases, separate for U12 and for U18, starting in the most appropriate round. At the end, we will have clear winners, runner-up and the third place for each age group. The winners will be awarded with medals and vouchers.
Schedule: 3 rounds on Friday, July 26, 2024, 2 rounds on Saturday, July 27, 2024
Time Setting: basic time: 45 minutes + 20 seconds increment per move (Fischer time)
All players who registered for the European go congress are not paying the SEYGO participation fee. All players who play "SEYGO tournament only" shall pay the fee before the start of the tournament: 20 EUR for players with EGD rating = 2000 or higher, 15 EUR for players with EGD rating between 1000 and 1999, 10 EUR for players with EGD rating lower than 1000. Players who do not register by Monday, July 22, 2024 pay 5 EUR more.
Therefore, even if you are registered for EGC, please fill this form:
SEYGO at EGC 2024 - Registration