
Europe has new youth champions!
By Pavol Lisy | News | 29.03.2016 20:26| Views: 9676
Europe has new youth champions!
European Youth Go Championship was held this week-end (from March 25 to 27, 2016) in Subotica-Palić, the north of Serbia. 130 European children from 17 countries were fighting in three categories: under 12, under 16 and under 20. This big tournament was not only the determination of the next champions, but also a qualification for the World Youth Goe Championship (for U12 and U16) and Globis Cup in Japan (for U20).
The Tournament took place in the Congress center “Grand terrace”, surrounded by picturesque architecture and big lake. Besides EYGC, the Side Tournament was organized for parents and accompaniment of children. Also two European professional players (Catalin Taranu 5p and Pavol Lisy 1p) were available for commentary, teaching and simultaneous games. Six rounds were divided into three days, so everyone had opportunity to profit from professionals or countryside.

Tournament rules depended on the rules of qualification tournaments, so U12 and U16 categories played simplified ING rules and U20 Japanese rules. For all groups, McMahon pairing was used and colors were decided by nigiri. (For more details see the official website)

Results U 12:

1st place Arsinoaia, Ioan Alexandru 2 Kyu ro
2nd place Shalneva, Virzhinia 2 Kyu ru
3rd place
Prikarev, Nikita 5 Kyu ru

Results U 16:

1st place Kajmin, Vjacheslav 5 Dan ru
2nd place Krushelnytskyi, Valerii 3 Dan ua
3rd place Shakhov, Kim 3 Dan ru

Results U 20: 

1st place Fionin, Grigorij 6 Dan ru
2nd place Frejlak, Stanislaw 5 Dan pl
3rd place Boviz, Dominik 6 Dan hu

Photos by Soňa Smoláriková
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