
German Youth Go Championship 2016 in Darmstadt
By Marc Oliver Rieger | News | 31.05.2016 6:46| Views: 9409
German Youth Go Championship 2016 in Darmstadt
40 kids from all over Germany took part in this year's championship – a new record! The tournament was integrated into the Darmstadt Go-days, which meant four days of Go activities, including a whole day of Go lectures, excursions, BBQ, rapid Go and lightning Go tournaments.
On the first tournament day, three rounds of McMahon where played, where all three age groups were mixed. On the second day, semifinals and finals took place.
As to be expected with so many kids around, it was lively, funny and sometimes a little noisy. The atmosphere was very friendly: opponents that had just battled each other in a fierce match, afterwards discussed the game with each other, played some fun variant of go or table soccer.
But the tournament was not only a fun event, it was also rather strong with eight players of 2 Dan and higher. At the end, the winners of the last year were also this year's winners: Martin Ruzicka (4d) in the U19, Chen Feiyang (2d) in the U15 and Immanuel Dottan (6k) in the U11.
Here the further top ranks in each age category:

 1. Martin Ruzicka (4d)
 2. Chafiq Bantla (3d)
 3. Matias Pankoke (4d)
 4. Gabriel Wagner (2d)
 5. Niels Schomberg (2d)
 6. Yu-Kai Law (2d)

 1. Chen Feiyang (2d)
 2. Arved Pittner (2d)
 3. Emanuel Schaaf (1k)
 4. Emre Cinar (5k)
 5. Gregor Semmler (6k)
 6. Max Herwig (8k)

1. Immanuel Dottan (6k)
 2. Ferdinand Marz (9k)
 3. Kevin Zhu (14k)
 4. Angelika Rieger (11k)
 5. Alessio Thum (16k)
 6. Adam Dottan (18k)

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