
European Championship 2019 in Brussel, day 2
By Tony Claasen | News | 22.07.2019 10:49| Views: 4515
Some games played on day one:

Ilya Shikshin vs. Antoine Fenech

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Pavol Lisy vs. Matias Pankoke

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Mateusz Surma vs. Elian Grigoriu

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Artem Kachanovskyi vs. Johannes Obenaus

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With the starting time being an hour earlier than on day one, some players arrived a little late for the start of their game.
The referee started all clocks at 10am sharp.

the beginning of round 2

The heat is overwhelming again today, only this time we started the cooling systems a lot earlier so it is still relatively cool in the playing room.

an overview of the room containing the European Top players
How impressive can concentration be?

More tension in the room especially at the boards where players are fighting for their first victory and the chance to keep playing in the European Championship.

In the end two upsets where noticed Lukas Podpera 7d from Czechia managed to win his game against Artem Kachanovskyi 2p from the Ukraine, and Lucas Neirynck 5d from Belgium was able to beat Cristian Pop 7d from Romania.

From tomorrow only 24 players are left in the European championship as all players with 2 losses are out and will play instead in the main tournament.
European Championship 2019 in Brussel, day 2

This article was written by Antonius Claasen

Born 31th of January 1962, in 's-Hertogenbosch in the Netherlands
started playing go 1979
Promotion to 1 Dan in 1981, after the Go Congress in Linz.
Promotion to 4 Dan in 1985 After the Go Congress in Terschelling.
Eurpean Champion 13X13 in 1984
European Team Champion in 1985, together with Frank Janssen and Joost Cremers.
I have 5 children and live at the moment in Hamburg Germany.

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