
Where to Go in Czech Republic
News | 17.01.2018 22:01| Views: 4631
The aim of this article is to summarize the main international go events which are organized in the Czech Republic and to provide an overview of each. The tournaments are listed in calendar order. Unless stated otherwise, you can expect the time control to be 60 minutes main time, then 3 x 30 sec per move. Pointed out are interesting possibilities for players such as low cost overnight sleeping at the site, social evening etc..
Note that any provided prices, dates and informations are only indicative and could change. Please see the actual tournament announcements for up-to date information.

26th Olomouc International Tournament (1) Announcement
Olomouc International Go Tournament opens the competition season (in the city of Olomouce). This year it will be played as a weekend side event to the 1st European Grand Prix Finale, in which 16 top European players will take part. Games are played on the site of Palacký University Olomouc, in the classrooms. The entry fee is around 10 EUR. Snack bar and lunch at the site are available. Accommodation in the student dormitory of Palacký University (14 EUR single or 21 EUR double room per person per night) is 100 m away from the university. Evenings: players gather to discuss games in a pub called pivnice Doga that is located behind the dormitory.

XIII Blansko Tournament (2)
Blansko Tournament is played in the classrooms of the primary school Tomáše Garrigue Masaryk in the city of Blansko. Entry fee is around 10 EUR. There is a snack bar at the venue. It is good idea to take indoor shoes. There is the possibility of low-cost accommodation in the sports hall for 2 EUR per night (with your own sleeping bag and roll mat). The annual general meeting of the Czech Go Association is held at this event.24.–25.3.2018
VII. Ivoš Pavlík Memorial Tournament (3)
In the Free Time Center Klíč (address: Pionýrů 767, Frýdek-Místek) is held Ivoš Pavlík Memorial Tournament in the city of Frýdek-Místek. Entry fee is around 12 EUR. Indoor shoes are strongly recommended for the tournament. There are several places for staying overnight at the site with your own sleeping bag and roll mat for 2 EUR for night. Snack bar at the site is well stocked with homemade meals. There is usually a party on the Saturday evening.

Go Open Plzeň 2017 (4)
Go Open Plzeň is played in the meeting place of the local go club in Plzeň (Radčická 4, Plzeň). Tournament is played with basic time of 75 min. and 3 x 30 sec per move. Entry fee is around 8 EUR. It is possible to stay overnight in a sports hall beside the club-room in your own sleeping bag and roll mat for 2 EUR for night. 21.–22.4.2018
47. Korean Ambassador’s Cup, Prague (5)
One of the oldest tournaments in Europe and usually the biggest tournament in the Czech Republic, the Korean Ambassador’s Cup is usually held in the conference hall of the Duo hotel in Prague. It is also a qualification tournament for Czech players to the Korean Prime Minister Cup in Republic of Korea. The tournament provides a refreshing tea service and offers the possibility to buy go material and go books. Entry fee is around 10 EUR. There was a children’s side tournament organized last year for the first time.

Vladimír Válek Memorial Tournament (6)
The Vladimír Válek Memorial Tournament is held in the cultural house Altán of Ostrava city. Entry fee is around 10 EUR. There are usually several accommodation possibilities recommended by organisators. 26.–27.5.2018
Kameny v Písku (Stones in sand) (7)
This brand new (or newly organised) tournament in the city of Písek is held in Písek youth center (Švantlova 2394/1). Entry fee is around 8 EUR. There is possibility of low-cost accommodation in a Scout Association house for 2 EUR per night (with your own sleeping bag and roll mat). Organisers also recommend some other possibilities. Social evening was organised in the restaurant Na Ostrově (On Island) on Saturday evening.

Czech Open 2018 (8)
The Czech Open 2018 is an international chess and game festival in Pardubice city which most certainly includes a go tournament. All festival games are played in the sports arena. Accommodation is arranged by the organisers in student dormitories that are around 1 km away from the arena (11 EUR single or 15 EUR double room per person per night). Other accommodation possibilities are also available. Entry fee is around 10 EUR. Food and drink can be bought in a party tent in front of the arena. A social evening is organised in the area of a local swimming pool (Saturday evening).13.–20.8.2018
Go Camp (9)
For several years now; the Go Camp takes place in a mountain cottage in the Beskydy Protected Landscape Area (Beskydy mountain range). Go teaching by Czech and international instructors in two sessions (morning and afternoon) per day is enriched by football and volleyball matches, other board games and much else besides. During the camp a tournament is organised for the camp attendees.

Moravian Open 2018 (10)
The Moravian Open is hold in the Santon hotel near the waters of the Brno reservoir. Playing time is 75 min. byoyoymi 30 sec per move. Entry fee is around 12/14 EUR. Usually, the top five players have two nights stay at the hotel for free (if they participate at the tournament). It is possible to stay overnight in a nearby sports hall in your own sleeping bag and roll mat.
Mikulov 2018 (11)
The Mikulov tournament is held in a high school in the city of Mikulov. It is possible to stay overnight in a nearby sports hall (ZŠ Valtická) in your own sleeping bag and roll mat for 2 EUR per night (expect cold nights). Saturday night is dedicated to a social event where a local wine is served.

Deskohraní 2018 (5)
Deskohraní is the Central European Mind Sports Olympiad (festival) focused on game presentations, tournaments, free playing and other attractions. The festival is held in the Jana Nerudy (Hellichova 3) high school in Prague. There are go tournaments played on 19x19 and 13x13 boards. Sometimes there is also a tournament on 9x9. Tea and coffee is provided. There is a recommended hostel at the playing site.

Vánoční turnaj (12)
A special christmas tournament in the city of Liberec at TU Liberec is a duathlon, where we play one game on 19x19 with 45 min. main and 3 x 30 sec per move and two games on 9x9 with 8 min. absolute. Saturday evening is dedicated to the pair go tournament, which is played on 13x13. Entry fee is around 5 EUR. Tea and coffee is provided.
Where to Go in Czech Republic
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