
The qualification tournament for the 2018 Globis Cup for players up to 20 years old has changed
By Jana Hricova | News | 27.01.2018 9:50| Views: 4133
Dear go friends,

Due to the necessity to nominate an EGF representative for the 2018 Globis Cup by the end of February at the latest, which we learned about quite late, we cannot make the normal selection of the winner of the EYGC 2018, U20 section. Therefore, under severe time pressure, we decided to use the opportunity that many young and strong European players participate in the EGF Academy training camp in Vatra Dornei, Romania, 5th-11th of February, and run a qualification tournament during that camp. More information about the Globis Cup can be found in our tournament calendar, world section.

We are aware that it is pretty short notice to arrange a trip to Romania for those who have not had yet any intention to go there. Nevertheless, time is very short and we do not have many alternative options. As it might be quite expensive to arrange travelling to Romania in such a short time, we offer participants from foreign countries who will decide to come for the qualification tournament a support of 200 EUR.
Organisers of the camp can help participants with travelling to Vatra Dornei in case they come to Bucharest on Sunday, 4th of February, or on Monday, 5th of February. Travelling from Vatra Dornei back to Bucharest will also receive help. Please, contact Catalin Taranu ([email protected]) for details on how to arrange your trip.

The qualification tournament will be held over the dates 6th-8th of February. It will be round robin tournament if there will be six or fewer participants. Though in the case of more than six participants, it will be 5-round Swiss tournament. More details will be published soon.

Players eligible to participate:
- All players must be citizens of any EGF member country.
- All players must be born on 1st of January 1998 or later.
- Strength of dan level is required (EGF rating at least 2050 minimum).
- Only players willing to go to the Globis Cup can play in the tournament.
- A winner of the tournament who will go for Globis Cup agrees, that if (s)he plays EYGC 2018 later, (s)he cannot win there any material prize except honour. It means no participation in WYGC 2018 in U16/12 categories, for example, no reward tournament or other prize in U20 category.

Dear friends, we ask for your understanding and are ready to help you as much as possible. In case of any questions, please, contact me.

On behalf of the EGF board and with best regards

Jana Hricova
The qualification tournament for the 2018 Globis Cup for players up to 20 years old has changed
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