
The European Student Go Championship 2018, Leksand (and information about students championships that are relevant for European students)
By Laura Avram | News | 01.09.2018 10:59| Views: 4636
It’s been 10 years since the European Go Congress came to Leksand, that small town that extols both the beauty of rural Sweden, and the charms of quaint little wooden horses. To celebrate the anniversary two events came to town. “Ten Years After”, a Grand Prix tournament, and the European Student Go Championship. Our focus is on the latter, and moreover student go in general.

During the last few years the student championships have become more and more attractive for European students, because they offer good prizes. This year 12 players from 6 countries competed for 5 prizes: 2 places (for boys) and 2 places (for girls) at the The World Students Pair Go Championship which will take place at the end of this year in Japan, as well as 1 prize consisting of financial travel support and lastly a place (travel partly paid) for next year's Annual World Collegiate Championships, which is going to take place in Australia.

The players who won the prizes were:
1. Jonas Welticke 6d (Germany) → going to the World Students Pair Go Championship in Japan
2. Lukas Podpera 7d (The Czech Republic) → going to the World Students Pair Go Championship in Japan
3. Amir Fragman 5d (Israel) → going to the  Annual World Collegiate Championships in Australia

7. Adriana Tomsu 1d (The Czech Republic) → going to the World Students Pair Go Championship in Japan

9. Lova Waahlin 2d (Sweden) → going to the World Students Pair Go Championship in Japan

You can see here the final standings.

This summer another special event for students took place in Europe: the 5th Annual World Collegiate Championships

The 5th Annual World Collegiate Championships took place in Cambridge between the 9th and the 15th of July 2018. The tournament was organized by the International University WEICHI Federation, the Shanghai Ing Chang-Ki Wei Chi Educational Foundation, the British Go Association and the Cambridge University Go Society.

Cambridge is the most popular hub for student go in the UK, and that popularity seemed to serve to make this special student event even bigger than in previous years. For it attracted many more European students than in previous years, and the total number of competitors from around the world exceeded 100.

The event itself is divided into 5 sections, 4 of which are based on ability. The fifth section is women only, but women have the right to avoid this section and play in the open sections corresponding to their strength. The winner and the runner up of each category were:

Group A (5 Dan or above 5 Dan): winner  Baek Woon Ki (Myongji), runner up Xing Yu Sha (Shanghai);    
Group B (1-4 Dan): winner Cary Jin (Melbourne) on tie-break from So Kang Wu (Yonsei) and Kim Si Hwan (Dongguk);
Group C (5Kyu-1 Kyu): winner Savva Antoniuk (St Petersberg), runner up Zayd Ouzerara (Geneva);               
Group D (Under 5 Kyu): winner David Skala (Pardubice), runner up Bart Slijkhuis (Groningen);
Group E (Women only): winner Shan Jin (Shanghai), runner up Si Chen (Shanghai).

It's important to note that female players could choose to play in Group E or in the group in which they fitted according to their rank.

Here you can find a few interviews of the participants made by the British Go Association.

In case you are a student (or you are going to be one soon), there are European and international tournaments for students that might be of interest to you (some of them are open to everybody, some of them require previous qualifications in tournaments):

[Attention: the following information are only informative; check the official websites or talk to the organizers for complete information]

Name of the tournament Date Location Who is allowed to take part Qualification tournament for another tournament? reviews of previous editions
The European Student Go Championship Generally, during the summer holidays, this year 22-23.08.2018 Generally, all around Europe; this year Leksand [open tournament for students satisfying the following conditions]

amateur player + university student born in 1989 or later with a citizenship of an EGF member-country, also students who will start their studies in September right after the tournament are eligible to play

the winner will receive travel support from the EGF to attend the Annual World Collegiate Championships in the following year, the first two male and female players will be offered the possibility to go to the World Students Pair Go Championship
[you can check here an article about the 2016 edition]
The World Students Pair Go Championship Generally, in December Generally, in Tokyo at the same time as the International Pair Go Championship [invitational tournament, the winners are decided at the European Student Go Championship] No [you can check here an article about the 2016 edition]
The World Students GO OZA Championship Generally, in February - March Generally,

in Tokyo
[invitational tournament: 2 male players and 1 female players who study at universities in Europe (!for this tournamentit matters where you study, not where you are from; only for undergraduate students under 30 years) qualify each year after an online tournament held on Pandanet] No [you can check here an article about the 2016 edition]
The Annual World Collegiate Championships Generally, during the summer holidays So far: Hong Kong, Beijing, Toronto, Bangkok, Cambridge; next year Sydney [open to all university students, usually there is a 100 player limit, so fast registration is required] No
National Student Go Championships Depends on the country, check with your federation
The European Student Team Championship Took place in 2016 [you can check here an article about the 2016 edition]
Jonas Welticke - European Student Champion 2018
The European Student Go Championship 2018, Leksand (and information about students championships that are relevant for European students)
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