
The 1st IMSA Elite Mind Games
By Pavol Lisy | International | 02.03.2016 13:02| Views: 8510
The 1st IMSA Elite Mind Games
The 1st International Mind Sports Association Elite Mind Games is starting today with an Opening Ceremony. The competition takes place in Huaian, China. The games begin tomorrow with Men's Team Competition and Women's individual Competition, continuing with Pair Go competition, that will finish on 3rd of March. That is a full one week of games to watch! 

This tournament will be similar to previously happening SportAccord World Mind Games (2011-2014). Go, Chess, Draughts, Bridge and Xianqi (Chinese Chess) Competitions at the same place and same time. In Go, 30 representatives (5 China, 5 Chinese Taipei, 6 Europe, 5 Japan, 5 South Korea, 4 North America) will compete for an overall tournament budget of 200.000 €.

Very strong Professionals participate in the tournament, in Men's competition Shi Yue 9p, Zhou Ruiyang 9p from China, Park Junghwan 9p and Kim Jiseok 9p from South Korea. In Women's competition Yu Zhiying 5p from China and Joanne Missingham 7p from Chinese Taipei are very famous.

Broadcasting (in Chinese):

Games (SGF's) are possible to open with MultiGo (for example).

European representatives:

Men's Team Competition (26th Feb - 1st Mar)

Final Results:
1. Korea
2. China
3. Japan
4. Chinese Taipei
5. North America
6. Europe

France             Russia            Israel

     Hui Fan          Ilya Shikshin       Ali Jabarin 
    2 Dan Pro         1 Dan Pro          1 Dan Pro
     Age: 34              Age: 25               Age: 22

1 game a day at 12:30 Local Time. (5:30 AM CET)
6 teams, 5 games. (Single round-robin)
Time limit: 2 hours, 60 seconds, 5 times.

Round 1:

China - Europe (3:0)

Tang Weixing - Fan Hui (Black+Resign) sgf
Zhou Ruiyang - Jabarin Ali (White+Resign) sgf
Shi Yue - Shikshin Ilya (Black+Resign) sgf

Korea - North America (3:0)
Japan - Chinese Taipei (2:1)

Round 2:

Europe - Japan (0:3)

Fan Hui - Tomoya Hirata (White+Resign) sgf
Jabarin Ali - Mutsuura Yuta (Black+Resign)  sgf
Shikshin Ilya - Shibano Toramaru (White+1,5) sgf

North America - Chinese Taipei (0:3)
Korea - China (2:1)

Round 3:

Chinese Taipei - Europe (3:0)

Chen Shih-Iuan - Fan Hui (Black+Resign) sgf
Lin Li-Hsiang - Jabarin Ali (White+5,5) sgf
Lin Shih-Hsun - Shikshin Ilya (Black+Resign) sgf

China - North America (3:0)
Japan - Korea (0:3)

Round 4:

Europe - North America (1:2)

Fan Hui - Jiang Ming Jiu (Black+1,5) sgf
Jabarin Ali - Li Ryan sgf
Shikshin Ilya - Lui Eric sgf

Korea - Chinese Taipei (2:1)
China - Japan (3:0)

Round 5:

Europe - Korea (0:3)

Fan Hui - Lee Donghoon
Jabarin Ali - Park Junghwan
Shikshin Ilya - Kim Jiseok

China - Chinese Taipei (3:0)
North America - Japan (1:2)

Women's Individual Competition (26th Feb - 1st Mar)

Final Results:
1. Yu Zhiying
2. Choi Jeong
3. Joanne Missingham
6.-8. Karlsberg Elvina
9.-12. Pocsai Rita
9.-12. Kovaleva Natalia

Hungary            Russia                Russia
  Rita Pocsai      Natalia Kovaleva   Elvina Karlsberg
4 Dan                    5 Dan                    5 Dan
     Age: 27                  Age: 28                  Age: 37

2 games a day at 9:30 & 15:00 Local Time (2:30 AM & 8:00 AM CET)
12 Players, 7 games (Double knock-out).
Time limit: 1 hour, 30 seconds 3 times.

Round 1:

Rita Pocsai - Nyu Eiko (Japan) ,  sgf (Black+Resign)
Natalia Kovaleva - Yu Li-Chun (Chinese Taipei) ,  sgf (White+Resign)
Elvina Karlsberg - Cao Youjin (China) , sgf (White+Resign)

Round 2:

Bye for Europeans

Round 3:

Rita Pocsai - Yu Jin (Canada) sgf (Black+12,5)
Elvina Karlsberg  - Natalia Kovaleva  sgf (Black+7,5)

Round 4:

Elvina Karlsberg - Yu Jin (Canada) sgf (Black+Resign)

Pair Go Competition (2nd Mar - 3rd Mar)

Total 8 pairs (Asia: 4, Europe 3, NA 1)
3 games (Single knock-out)
Time limit: 1 hour, 30 seonds, 3 times.

Final results:

Winner Korea Choi Jeong 6p & Park Jeonghwan 9p
Runner-up China Yu Zhiyin 5p & Tang Weixing 9p
3rd place Japan Hoshiai Shiho 1p & Hirata Tomoya 7p
4th place C. Taipei Missiangham Joanne 7p & Lin Li-Hsaing 6p
5th place Europe Natalia Kovaleva 5d & Ilya Shikshin 1p
6th place N. America Sarah Yu 6d & Ryan Li 1p
7-8 place Europe Rita Pocsai 5d & Fan Hui 2p
7-8 place Europe Elvina Karlsberg 4d & Ali Jabarin 1p

Source: Ranka
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