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A total of 42 pairs from 12 countries took part in the European Pair Go Championships held at the Senate Hall of Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany. Winners on 6/6 were Russians Natalia Kovaleva and Oleg Mezhov. Second on 5/6 were local German players Daniela Trinks and Marco Firnhaber. Third on tie-break were the UK's Natasha Regan and Matthew Cocke. France topped the group on 4 wins, followed by Czechia and Hungary. Ignoring duplicates the rest of the countries in order were Poland, Spain, Sweden, Slovakia, Belgium and Croatia.
Pl Name Str Cy MMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pt SOS SOSOS 1 Kovaleva/Mezhov 4d RU 26 13+ 8+ 15+ 4+ 2+ 7+ 6 143 849 2 Trinks/Firnhaber 4d DE 25 16+ 10+ 12+ 5+ 1- 4+ 5 144 849 3 Regan/Cocke 3d UK 25 14+ 19+ 4- 21+ 5+ 6+ 5 140 846 4 Chaine/Colmez 4d FR 24 22+ 6+ 3+ 1- 9+ 2- 4 146 846 5 Bernáthová/Brunner 2d CZ 24 20+ 11+ 7+ 2- 3- 15+ 4 144 832 6 Miskolczi/Csizmadia 2d HU 24 25+ 4- 13+ 10+ 14+ 3- 4 141 836 7 Zaloudková/Dach 2d CZ 24 21+ 9+ 5- 28+ 12+ 1- 4 141 831 8 Simunková/Kuzela 3d CZ 24 29+ 1- 9- 19+ 16+ 14+ 4 140 833 Ente/Voigt 2d DE 24 26+ 7- 8+ 18+ 4- 17+ 4 140 833 10 Silber/Teuber 3d DE 24 23+ 2- 24+ 6- 29+ 13+ 4 137 836 11 Healey/Macfadyen 4d UK 24 24+ 5- 18- 31+ 22+ 12+ 4 135 827 12 Reimpell/Gawron 2d DE 23 27+ 17+ 2- 15+ 7- 11- 3 141 827 13 Ohlenbusch/Blümel 1d DE 23 1- 29+ 6- 23+ 21+ 10- 3 139 836 14 Czaplik/Lubos 1k PL 23 3- 30+ 22+ 17+ 6- 8- 3 139 831 15 Sommerfeld/Palant 3d EU 23 32+ 27+ 1- 12- 18+ 5- 3 139 824 16 Bochaca/Cabré 1k ES 23 2- 23- 26+ 20+ 8- 22+ 3 138 825 17 Bergström/Åkerblom 1k SE 23 18+ 12- 23+ 14- 25+ 9- 3 137 830 18 Lindemeyer/Marz 3d DE 23 17- 32+ 11+ 9- 15- 23+ 3 137 817 19 Conradi/Budahn 2d DE 23 30+ 3- 21- 8- 24+ 25+ 3 136 827 20 Smídová/Smíd 5k SK 23 5- 24- 29+ 16- 30+ 21+ 3 133 831 21 Willaert/Ramon 1k BE 22 7- 26+ 19+ 3- 13- 20- 2 140 821 22 Schmidt/Kettenring 1d DE 22 4- 25+ 14- 24+ 11- 16- 2 138 830 23 Gierszewska/Malinowski 3k PL 22 10- 16+ 17- 13- 27+ 18- 2 138 819 24 Saalmann/Beggerow 1d DE 22 11- 20+ 10- 22- 19- 31+ 2 137 809 25 Ullrich/Gerlach 3k DE 22 6- 22- 30+ 27+ 17- 19- 2 135 818 26 Hilpert/Ulbrich 5k DE 22 9- 21- 16- 30- 33+ 29+ 2 132 813 27 Robotic/Smud 3k HR 22 12- 15- 36+ 25- 23- 30+ 2 131 809 28 Ohlenbusch/Seitz 6k EU 22 33+ 31+ 32+ 7- -- -- 3 123 738 29 Wohnig/Obenaus 2k DE 21 8- 13- 20- 32+ 10- 26- 1 137 809 30 Skuppin/Kühner 3k DE 21 19- 14- 25- 26+ 20- 27- 1 135 806 31 Baschinski/Schladitz 6k DE 21 36+ 28- 33+ 11- 32+ 24- 3 130 767 32 Griffiths/Atkins 2k UK 21 15- 18- 28- 29- 31- 39+ 1 128 745½ 33 Gauthier/Knöpke 6k DE 21 28- 37+ 31- 35+ 26- 40+ 3 123 661½ 34 Trinks/Urban 6k DE 21 -- 36- 35- -- 37+ 41+ 2 114 614½ 35 Wohnig/Lenz 8k DE 21 37+ 39+ 34+ 33- 41+ 36+ 5 113 602 36 Jendrzejewski/Selby 6k UK 20 31- 34+ 27- 37- 40+ 35- 2 121 651½ 37 Schellmoser/Frenzel 7k DE 19 35- 33- 39+ 36+ 34- 42- 2 115½ 575 38 Zanoba/Wohnig 15k DE 13½ -- 40+ 42+ 41+ -- -- 3 54½ 283½ 39 Naguschewski/Schneid 13k DE 12 41+ 35- 37- 40- 42- 32- 1 79½ 478 40 Schwiderke/Engelhard 20k DE 6 42- 38- 41+ 39+ 36- 33- 2 48 451½ 41 Galindo/Kristensen 19k EU 5 39- 42- 40- 38- 35- 34- 0 49 433½ 42 Mayrowski/Liedholz 24k DE 4½ 40+ 41+ 38- -- 39+ 37+ 4 24½ 346½