
EGF-Academy: Call For Supporters!
By Gabriel Wagner | Articles | 13.08.2020 11:18| Views: 3862
What is the EGF-Academy?

The EGF-Academy is the training platform for Europe's most promising youth players. It was founded around 5 years ago in collaboration with the Ge Yuhong Go Academy in Beijing and CEGO who provided a generous sponsorship to the EGF-Academy. Since then, more than 100 talented kids from over 15 different European countries have joined the EGF-Academy and are improving rapidly. In the 2020 European Youth Championship, seven out of the nine prize winners were students of the EGF-Academy.

Why does the EGF-Academy need your support?

The EGF-Academy is attracting more students than ever before. Nevertheless, we are still dependent on the sponsorship from the Ge Yuhong Academy to sustain our program financially. However, we want the Academy to become a truly European project, that is independent from outside sponsorship. Only like this can we do the long-term planning that is needed to make Europe's next top players flourish. The students of the EGF-Academy really are the future of European Go, you might be sponsoring the first European ever to become a world champion in Go! So if the advancement of European Go is of any concern to you, please consider supporting us with a small donation!

How can I support the EGF-Academy?

You can go here to register as a supporter.

To express our gratitude for your support and to make this a true "win-win" situation, we want to offer you something back in return for a small donation. In this way, we also want to engage you more closely with the cause that you are donating to: you can get a glimpse into how the training in the EGF-Academy actually works, by getting access to material such as:

  • Selected “best of” lectures by our professional teachers Alexandre Dinerchstein 3p, Cătălin Țăranu 5p, and the Chinese guest teacher Xiao Qi 2p. The lectures are about all kinds of topics and range in level from 10k to 7d: opening, joseki, tesuji, endgame, good shape, pro games, AI-moves, and much more (see a preview below)
  • Tsumego sets including solutions in both pdf and sgf format, organized into two degrees of difficulty, compiled by our tsumego master Stanisław Frejlak 7d (more than 300 problems in total!)
  • A hard copy of the European Youth Year Book 2019: interviews with youth players from all over Europe, coverage of youth camps, easy to follow game reviews by many different professional players, and much more. Here you really get the ultimate overview of the cause you are supporting!

There are two options available for you:

Supporter overview silver gold
Your two options to support us!

The amounts of donation should be understood as a suggestion, if you think you can afford to donate more, we wouldn’t say no :p If you think the amount is too high, but you would still like to support us with a smaller sum, please also do not hesitate to contact us!

To give you an idea of what you can expect, please look at this overview of lesson topics. 

This is just a fraction of lessons that you can get access to
This is just a fraction of the lessons that you can get access to!

To become a supporter please just go to our supporter site and follow the four steps described there, it is really simple. 

We thank you very much for your support, it really means something to us!

EGF-Academy: Call For Supporters!
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