
The European Pair go Championship 2018 - Ascona
By Laura Avram | Articles | 09.04.2018 15:58| Views: 6453 | Comments: 1
The 21th Pair go Championship took place on the weekend of the 7th and 8th of April in Ascona, Switzerland. It has been preceded by a two-day long seminar taught by Li Yue, 5d, at which any interested go player could take part.

The tournament gathered together 14 pairs from 8 different countries: Russia, Germany, the Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands, Ukraine, Romania, and Switzerland. Even though the number of the players was quite small compared to other editions of the tournament (e.g., 2017: 28 participants, 2016: 18 participants, 2015: 40 participants, 2014: 19, etc.), the level of the pairs this year was very high: 11/14 pairs were of dan level, and 9/14 had a rank of at least 4 dan.
Jitka Bartova, Ondrej Silt, and Benjamin Teuber

From just looking at the ranks of the players, we could say that there were no really unexpected results. Yet it came as a bit of a surprise that the favorites, Russia's Kovaleva and Surin, a pair with a lot of fighting spirit, and who had won this tournament many times, finished only in 3rd place.
The top three places were taken by:
1. Fazulzyanova & Dinerstein (5d) from Russia
2. Ente & Teuber (5d) from Germany
3. Kovaleva & Surin (6d) from Russia
Lisa Ente and Benjamin Teuber

Natalia Kovaleva and Dimitri Surin

The full results list can be found here

A small side-tournament for double-digit kyu players was played in parallel and these are the results:
1. Haruna Okano (4K) + Alan Essoh (25K)
2. Myriam Bossel (30K) + Claude Roy (7K)
3. Marie Badre (15K) + Nathan Lacrabère (18K)
4. Soledad Andany (18K) + Kaan Özbey (17K)

The Pair go Championship for next year will take place in Groningen, in the Netherlands, in April/May 2019. However, before that, the European congress will be hosting, like each and every year, an Open Pair go Championship in which both amateur and professional players mingle and fight. This tournament is the biggest Pair go event that takes place annually in Europe.
Matias Pankoke and Manja März

All the pictures used in this article have been kindly shared by Li Yue.

: At The Future of Go Summit in 2017 Alphago also played Pair go together with human players (see video with the review). Could it be that in the future we will also have tournaments in which humans and boots play together? :-)
The European Pair go Championship 2018 - Ascona
11.04.2018 14:04
I wish to thank Roberto for the kind organization of this championship.
Everything was perfect, I enjoyed very much the games with the children and I actually discovered how fun pair go can be. I also very much appreciated the workshop given by Li Yue who is indeed a very talented and pedagogic teacher who is able to adapt to all levels.
Many thanks for such an enjoyable time,
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