
European Professional Online Go League starts soon
By Artem Kachanovskyi | European Pros | 16.03.2020 11:22| Views: 14059 | Comments: 9
It's been a while since some of us, EGF pros, have got an idea of running online pro league. The idea is the following: to play on fixed days of the week, at fixed time, and to comment those games on the EGF twitch channel. The goal is popularizing the game of Go, and if the project gets popular - maybe we might find a sponsor. Anyway, that's a great playing practice for us, so for the moment the project is completely enthusiastic.

We planned to start the League after the Pro Championship. But since the tournament is postponed, we start on 21 March. The first match is Ilya vs Ali, Andrii will comment. The start at 18:00 CET. 

The next day there is a match at the same time: me (Artem) vs Andrii, with Ali commenting.

Each match consists of two games with switching the colors. The time settings are typical online blitz: 10 minutes main time, 3 periods of 20 seconds overtime. So if you have free time on Saturday or Sunday evening, enjoy some very dynamic games between the EGF pros, with comments of one of us.

You can find all the details on the League webpage.
European Professional Online Go League starts soon

This article was written by Artem Kachanovskyi

EGF professional Go player.
Born 12th December 1992.
Started to play Go in 1999.
Promoted to 1p in 2016, 2p in 2018, 3p in 2024.
Living in Ukraine, Kyiv.
All his articles on the EGF website.

16.03.2020 15:56
Best news of the day.
16.03.2020 16:22
Great idea!
Will observe the games with pleasure!
17.03.2020 7:49
Very good idea.
I also like the time settings.
Because it may be easier for new watchers to see/follow shorter streams.
Rainer Rosenthal
17.03.2020 12:15
Great idea - all the best! I hope that sponsors might get interested.
17.03.2020 15:23
I concur: excellent news, perfectly timed with the current European situation!
In addition, thank you Artem for your articles, very appreciated to get coverage of European go events!
25.03.2020 9:53
Why Mateusz Surma is not playing?
25.03.2020 9:56
Mateusz refused to participate.

I guess he is busy at the moment. I heard some rumors that his daughter was born recently!
30.03.2020 10:46
I've watched all your matches so far.
I like the format and hope you'll continue.
Espacially that every pro will review a match.

Thats why I vote for Artem to comment also.

Because Pavol said, that you don't want to do it. ;-)
I would also like to see more of the commentators thoughts/variations during the stream. Sometimes there are long pauses during the stream.
Do you plan the make a review with the players or winner at the end of both games?
30.03.2020 11:40
Thank you for your feedback, René! Its good to see that people appreciate our effort. We try to make this project as high quality as possible.

We have just started this project. So of course, not everything is perfect. The plan was to start from something simple, and then improve it with time - according to what is interesting for people. I am sure we will get more experience in commenting, and it will get even more interesting. Of course, we plan to develop the project. The idea you say about interviews with the players - we had it too. Maybe next weekend we will try it already, lets see.

As for me commenting - at first I didnt want to do it. Because I never did it, and I dont like in general such things as public attention. But now as I saw how it goes for the other pros, I changed my mind - I would like to try. The problem is for the moment I dont have proper conditions - my small child is falling asleep in another room exactly at the time of the stream, and my talking would disturb that complicated process. We will see - maybe in future I will get an opportunity.
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